Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Long Time No Type

I figured I should write so that you know I am still alive. We are moving this Saturday and man is this all stressful. I have decided I am crazy for moving at this time of year.

I went to my last BCM Impact as a student. It was very surreal. I made myself sit afterwards and journal how I was feeling. I wrote three pages about the BCM and what it means to me. I wanted to make sure that I never forget all that Bob and Deb and the BCM did for me. I also wrote them a long thank you letter. I know they don't get enough of those. Bryce was upstairs after the service also. At one point I went to hug him. We looked at each other and then at the room and we both started to cry. I was glad to not be the only one going to miss that place.
I enjoyed my last week at Woodall Elementary. I am going to miss those kids. I got gifts from several students and my teacher. Also, the students made me a book of what I taught them. I will always cherish that. It was awesome!
We graduated on Saturday. It was nice to have family in town and see us. The ceremony was shorter than I expected which was nice. My favorite part was when the entire crowd stood and clapped for us. I am not proud of myself for a lot of things but graduating is one of them. Going to college was something I always wanted to do and to have finally finished that is an amazing feeling.

Moving is scary and sad but I know God wants us to leave. It is hard to leave a place and people that have been so instrumental in me growing into an adult. I love this town and it will always be special to me. It is scary to move on to something I don't know. I hate not being in control! I don't have a job and we are without a church. But God is in control and I know it will all work out.

I saw on facebook that you were getting packages from home. I know you said that was a problem over there so I am glad they are getting to you. That is awesome about Narine's decision. I will be praying for her and you as you continue to work for His cause.

I miss you and love you!