Monday, April 20, 2009


In my last post I rambled on about being a sub and how the job is not so fun. Previous to the random sub jobs I was complaining about, I had the privilege to sub for a woman on maternity at Jane Addams Elementary in west Tulsa. It was fantastic to get to spend 8 weeks with the same kids, getting to know them and the faculty. I was very said when she returned and I had to hand the class back over. Well, after only two weeks of random subbing, Jane Addams told me that the other 5th grade teacher has left and wanted to know if I wanted the job for the rest of the year. Without hesitation I agreed! I was ecstatic to go back to my kids. So, here we are in the computer lab. I am trying to keep these stinkers quiet and focused on their task, not so easy! I have decided that if I can handle these crazy 5th graders, I can handle anything!

I just spent the entire weekend with family. We spent Friday night with Jake's family. Now, we are over there at least twice a week. Jake has two other brothers. One with a wife and a totally cute almost two year old boy, Trysten. The focus of everyone while at Papa's and Mimi's is this little boy. On Friday, we decided to fly the fish kite that Trysten got for Easter. It was hilarious watching all the boys try to get the kite in the air. They were running up and down the street with everyone yelling commands "run faster" "watch out for the tree" "let out the string". Trysten decided that since everyone else was yelling, he should too. He would just yell and scream, no real words just making noise. I guess he thought that yelling was part of kite flying.

On Saturday we went to my mom's and played a good 'ol game of Life. (Time out for biographical tidbit - My mom has a girlfriend named Christa. They have been together for 10 years. Christa's family has become a part of my family, it's just a part of my life.) Well, on Sunday, we went to the zoo for Christa's niece's birthday. Apparently she had to make sure that Jake was going to be there. Not me, whom she has known since birth, but my husband of less of one year. Needless to say we had a blast. Even though we were the only couple without kids, we ended up carrying kids more often than not. It's fun to be able to enjoy them for the day and then hand them back over!


Jaclyn.... said...

I smile when I see your life updates.

Thank you.
I love feeling sorta connected to people back home :)

I'm so glad God is providing work for you! I'm sure you are continuing to grow as a person and as a teacher. Miss ya, love ya.

danielle said...

I'm glad you got a better position at work! I'm also glad you got a lot of family time, that's important! We had family time this weekend also...with my shower and all. Jacob said, "things are never going to be normal again." Well, no, but normal is going to change soon! Read my new blog...1st trip to labor and delivery!

Valerie said...

Yay for you finding another job for the rest of the school year! :)